Collective Soul opened and I wasn't expecting much because some of the other reviews had been bad but I was delightfully impressed. The lead singer is a bit dorky but they sounded pretty good.
Live ROCKED the stage next and they kicked a$$! Ed just sort of had a smirk on his face cause he knows it too. I thought Adam's mic was a little low - hard to hear the background vocals at one point. Also Chad's guitar wasn't quite as crisp on the RAW parts of Lakini. All in All they sounded awesome though and I was totally able to get lost in the moment of it all - I could have rocked on all night.
Unfortunately, Live eventually left the stage and the counting crows came on - they opened with some slow song then said they were going to "blow our fu&&in& brains out" but they didn't impress. In fact - besides that line, the only other thing I heard was the two words "Mister Jones" Other than that it was all mumbling - We left during Mr. Jones - not impressed (but they did have some nice lighting going on).