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October 21st, 2006 Setlist & Reviews
Concert Setlist
Credit: Matthew Stewart of Brisbane, Australia
1) Mystery
2) The River
3) All Over You
4) Rattlesnake
5) Shit Towne
6) Sofia
7) Mirror Song
8) I Walk The Line [Johnny Cash]
9) Wings
10) Pain Lies On The Riverside
11) Iris (with "Bad" medley) [U2]
12) Selling The Drama
13) Heaven

14) Lakini's Juice
15) The Dolphin's Cry
16) I Alone
17) Run To The Water
18) Voodoo Lady
19) Lightning Crashes
20) White, Discussion
21) Dance With You
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Review by Kristof Schrader of Townsville, Queensland
My first ever Live concert ... and what a concert, UN-BE-LIEVABLE! Ed and the boys all looked extremely happy and enthusiastic all night, full of energy. The sound was very powerful and yet crystal clear, amazing. Ed was drinking some wine during the show and mentioning they burnt their set lists got the entire crowd going, definitely. The look on Chad Gracey's face when Ed said they should play 1 more song after he threw his drumsticks to the crowd was priceless. Adam's guitar broke two strings during Heaven and Chad and Ed were just laughing at him, and I'll never forget Ed's words about the lack of love in the world, getting everyone to chant 'Love! Love! Love!' during I Alone, and "Chad Gracey just gave me $100 to sell you the drama"...and the opening drum beats on Pain Lies On The Riverside! My first, hopefully not last Live concert, utterly incredible experience ... never missed a single word, loved every moment of it, standing front row centre the entire 2 hour show ... I love this band. Thank you, Live!
Review by Amanda of Brisbane, Australia
Although I love the band, and this is my 3rd concert, I was disappointed. The vocals couldn't be heard over the music and alot of the songs seemed to be out of tune or something. Ed's voice in the first half was soft and he obviously had a problem. He peked up alot in the second half but didn't engage the whole audience. I sat on the side and he didn't even look toward us. Just because we had crap seats doesn't mean we didn't pay the same amount as the lucky ones in the front. Sometimes the band forgets that.
Review by Brendan of Brisbane, Australia
Like Amanda, this was my third concet. I had read Melbourne reviews saying that his voice was playing up but had hoped it would be right by the time he got here. Well, he sang 2 words and my heart just slumped. I was gutted, that I wouldn't be able to hear Ed at his best. My frustration was enhanced that i was at a ROCK CONCERT and there were SEATS!!!!! WTF! I just wanted to run up the front and jump around. I really don't think the guys appreciate it. Ed had to continually tell us to "Get the F$%k up!!". But I guess when there is a diverse audience of from 10-50 year olds (which is a testiment to their music) no one really knows what to do. The first half of the show was quite ordinary. Amongst Ed's scratchy voice, there was no excitement 'cos they'd sing a song, then have a 30 second break between the next as Ed went to the back of the stage to talk into a microphone (which from where i was on the floor up the back looked like he was lighting up on the stuff the gardener had given him) to tell them what song be next. There was just no atmosphere! They played most of their new stuff here, just to get it out of the way, until they ended the set with Heaven before doin their customary "Goodnight! Thanks Brisbane!" and walking off the stage. Clued up on this trick, I hoped that the Encore (more of a second half) pick up. F#$ken oath it did! The feelin from Ed just shone as he started Lakini's Juice. He was struggling with his voice but didn't let that phase him. He upped the anty and I began to see the man who has inspired me for so long re-ignite my love for the band. I think the majority of the people who were there are fans of the stuff they sang in the second half and that's what was so great! 4 of the 5 songs I was there to hear were in the second half (Rattlesnake being the other) and to have been involved with the love chant (something I saw on the Woodstock 99 version hoping he'd do that) was just aweseome!!!! I wished I took my i-river at this stage ('cos they usually bag search but forgot? too??) as I knew the greatest song was yet to come (Lightning Crashes). After White Discussion, the boys were beat, and even I could see Chad's (For F$%k sake! face) as Kristoff mentioned, when Ed said one more! They ended with Dance with you and "the Brisbane tabernackle choir", which I kept singing the next day at work. All in all it was an OK concert, but never as god as the first one i saw in 2000. I was disappointed that in the pre-sale you can't choose where to sit, and that there was only sitting unless you were up the front...That's my major gripe. I just love how Pat seems to be the quiet performer, though his shadow was huge on the side wall... It looked great! The passion is definitely there amongst the boys, I just think they get duped on poor performance venues...
Review by Steven Vos of Brisbane, Australia
I didn't really get into this show as much as I have previous Live concerts. The sound seemed off on many occasions and the band even sounded sloppy in parts (especially in The Dolphin's Cry). But it wasn't all bad; the opener, Mystery, was done interestingly, with Ed coming out acapella, the band joining in later in the song. Certainly was different, more relaxed than Fishes or say Simple Creed opening. Rattlesnake and Pain Lies.. were highlights, as was Lakini's Juice, with it's angsty guitar intro. A few of the older songs, while exciting the crowd with the familiarity they represented, sounded lazy (White, Discussion, I Alone) and downright disappointing (Dolphin) especially to someone who has heard them many times previous. The whole Dolphin's Cry intro was a mess with Ed and the guitars being totally ot of sync. Overall, the performance was solid without being spectacular, which is not something I have come to expect from live. To me this show seemed more "Ed and band" than "Live", and while I appreciate Ed's guitar talent it seemed like his urge to show off his guitaring prowess (ie Solo in Shit Towne) detracted from his overall stage presence. I appreciate them trying to mix up the setlist a bit for this tour, but for me it still seems a bit too standard. Or maybe it just seemed mixed up, as they lost their setlists on the plane. I'd like to see them try opening with Lakini's Juice, with that killer intro. Maybe try closing with Get Ready instead of a vanilla-version of Dance with You? While I love Voodoo Lady, I think I've heard it 4 of the last 5 Brisbane shows? Lastly, I was hoping to hear a bit more of Black Mountain, granted the album isn't their strongest, but you would expect to hear more than 4 songs off the album that they are touring. Where was "Show"??
Review by Helena of Brisbane, Australia
This was our 6th LIVE concert. It was absolutely fantastic. Music was awesome and was much of the crowd. The only real issue with the night were the dead fish who didn't seem to know they were at a concert and complained about the music being too loud!!!(who would have thought that loud music and concerts could be associated- crazy stuff!!!) Ed was totally into the concert as were the other band members- though admittedly he did sound as though he had a chest cold at times. At the end of the day though- it was a great concert awesome band and fantastic music -Can't wait till the next tour!!!!
Review by Keira & Gavin of Rockhampton, Australia
This was our fifth live concert and well it seemed to be a disaster compared to the previous. Firstly, the support band probably not the best choice, would have been good to see another good band like when they dragged Train along with them a few years back. Then, as Amanda stated, Ed's voice seemed tired as a way of putting it - I guess I even recall the lady next to me making a very similar comment during the show. And there just didn't seem to be any flow to it at all seemed to be alot of stopping and starting with very little interaction with the fans.... in all the previous Live shows we have been to (whether they where in Canberra, Sydney, or Brisbane) they have always been high energy and smooth flowing, just fantastic from the lighting to the interaction was always well executed. But this concert seemed to be lacking all that. The lighting was fairly ordinary and the stage seemed bare..... maybe we have just come to expect more from them, and our expectations grow with every new album, I never thought we would ever say it but we walked away dissapointed with the show but in saying that we do love them and when they come back we will gladly spend the thousand dollars it cost for the two of us to travel stay and attend. Hopefully next time we will get them at the beginning of the trip rather than the end.
Review by Jamie Michelle Colson of Hervey Bay, Queensland
Let me start by saying that this surreal performance was my 4th +Live+ concert and that I have been a transfixed & loving fan since Throwing Copper. From the very moment I first heard I Alone, apart of me instantly testified that this band is way beyond special! Back then at that very point in time, I had never heard that song or the album before, but they were strangly and mysteriously familiar. The familiarity of it was like I had been away and I had just gotten home. It's kind of crazy to say that about a cranking kick ass rock album masterpiece - that it felt like home!!!.......Anyway I was so excited to see my favorite rockers/band back in Brissy-ville about to take the stage with power and polish after a nearly two year absence. First up was Shannon Noll. My friend and I only court half of the performance because we were bound up in the electric pre-concert atmosphere at the bar having a few drinks. Shannon did an alright job and I think it is gracious to get behind the support act/s at a concert, be it your music genre or not. There was a lot of antipation in the venue and it was with great enthusiam that +Live's+ presence was received by the crowd as they opened the show with the song Mystery. They played several selections from SFBM as well as many songs from their previous six albums. The standout from their latest offering on the night was Sofia but wished they had also included Show, Night of Nights and Where Do We Go into the mix. Old and new greats that shone were- Shit Towne, Mirror Song, Sofia, Heaven, Pain Lies On The River Side, Voodoo Lady and White Discussion. +Live+ had energy, but honestly seemed a bit tired at times as well as Ed having a few struggles with his normally phenomenal singing voice. Taylor went absolutely phyoco jumping and stomping all over the stage and along with cheeky Ed, poured a massive amount of energy and expression into the song White Discussion. The boys were beat after their expenditure!!! I had an appreciation for the tiredness that the band must have felt having been trying to accommodate so many fans in so many different places. Ed is such a rock and roll messiah (spiritual teacher/awakener) as he evoked us all to chant love, love, love, love in the middle of I Alone. Awesome! This brought attention to the fact of how much the world is starving for love and truth. Love is a higher law and we all need to try to love one another as Jesus showed us to do. I was lucky enough to be up the very front near Adam and had made a banner for the occasion. My labor of love and homage read- +Live+ lit a nuclear fire in the heart and now I am one with the fools of love! To my excitement Ed took the banner up onto the stage and along with Chad Taylor held it up for all of the conert arena to see. Water wasn't Ed's style, blood wasn't Ed's style (Voodoo Lady lyric) but Australian red wine definitely was!!!...With a glass of wine in one hand, microphone in the other and with a certain look on his face (priceless!), proceeded to tell the audience that this is the only job where you can become intoxicated and your boss (in his words) hasn't go s#!t to say about it. I enjoyed the comedic value of the show. The exuberant but gracious front man always has the fans wrapped around his little finger with his smile, charisma and proformer antics. Adam broke a couple of guitar strings to the amusement of his band mates. To my disappointment the excitement level of the crowd was a bit mellow at times compaired to past tours but every one around us had a great time. This my have been the result of having seats in the middle section and only the first five rows were allowed up to jump around. Seats centre stage @ a ROCK CONCERT???? The Pennsyvanian quartet closed with the song Dance With You and then withdrew from the stage leaving us in a state of hypnoses still singing, feeling and loving a band that remains real. After every one had just about vacated, my friend and I sat down on the seats to adjust and relax for a couple of seconds. It was then a guitar technician said something to me from the stage as they were packing up. At first I though he was asking if I wanted my banner back but instead told me what hotel the band was staying at, indicating to come along. I was very excited as +Live+ have had such an amazing influence on me
and they are my favorite personalities i would love to meet. When we arrived at the hotel we went up into a lounge/bar level called (of all things) Sofia's. Ha! what a coincidence. This was were I got to meet and shake hands with Chad T, Pat D, Chad G and his wife. Chad T said that he saw me rocken out as he signed an autograph...thanks mate! All the boys were gracious and even though they were tired, they took the time to chat (classy bunch of guys!). I was sad that I did not get to meet Ed and Adam, hopefully next tour. After this my friend and I met up with the guitar tech for a few drinks. I just want to say thank you to him for his kindness and generosity. It was lovely to meet you....and to +Live+, God love ya, I know I do!
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