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January 24th, 2006 Setlist & Review
Concert Setlist
1) All Over You
2) Selling The Drama
3) The River
4) Mystery
5) They Stood Up For Love
6) Lightning Crashes
7) Sofia
8) Lakini's Juice
9) The Dolphin's Cry
10) I Alone
11) Heaven
12) Show
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Review by LuCynda Hansen of Canada
Ed - if you ever read this - I hope you realize that Danko wasn't kidding when he said the screaming was louder for your band than it was when he said "Nickelback." I don't know if you noticed the upper crowd - up in the chairs were screaming harder and jumping and dancing stronger than during ALL of Nickelbacks performance. It's not that we don't like Nickelback and weren't excited to see them - but most of us were there to see you. You were the highlight of the evening! You were who we were all there for! You should have had the lights and the flames and the huge stage.

The crowd below - during Nickelback - all the body passing and jumping - that was only because they were all drunk by then. Nickelback is good - but you truly ROCK. I am truly looking forward to your new album and I am truly hoping you make a HUGE comeback! I am absolutely holding my breathe in anticipation that it will be YOU with that HUGE stage and lights and screen - you are much more entertaining, melodic, and exciting on stage. Your music is much more inspiring to the soul - and Ed, I like Nickelback I truly do. I've been listening to Nickelback for years. But they can't compare. There was no contest and I know for fact there was NEVER a contest. I talked to many people at last nights show and know that mostly everyone there felt the same. Nickelback should have been opening for you.

We love you Ed. Lethbridge loves you. Alberta loves you. Canada loves you. Rock loves you. Keep doing your thing!!!!
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