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Birds Of Pray Tour

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September 4th, 2003 Setlist & Review

Concert Setlist
1) Like I Do
2) The Sanctity Of Dreams
3) They Stood Up For Love
4) All Over You
5) The Beauty Of Gray
6) Run Away
7) Sweet Release
8) Life Marches On
9) Lakini's Juice
10) Run To The Water
11) The Dolphin's Cry
12) I Alone (with "Like A Stone" medley) [Audioslave]
13) Heaven

14) Turn My Head (acoustic)
15) Selling The Drama
16) Lightning Crashes
Review by "lgn8r54"
Alright, in a vain attempt to capture the absolute magic of last nightís show in Dallas, Iíll write a rather comprehensive review. Here goes.

My day started with me ìskipping schoolî at 11 so I could do a few things then meet up with Paula, Doreen and Sandy. I put that in quotes because I really wasnít skipping, my mom signed me out, I played it by the rules and all, but still.

Got out of school at 11, messed around for a little bit, got myself psyched up. And then I met the aforementioned ìfools of liveî and we hit the road at 1 oíclock. The ride up to Dallas seemed to breeze by. Maybe it was the good conversation and stories, or maybe it was Paulaís 100 mph driving. I dunno.

So anyhow, first stop is to KDGE to pick up one set of tickets that Sandy won. That was relatively painless. The office building that it was in had a smooth glass elevator. Thatís also when we found out that the tickets themselves were this cool laminate thing about the size of an index card. Nice quality item.

Anyhow, we then found our way to downtown Dallas and parked very close to the Gypsy Tea Room. The sly parking guy tried to sell us two parking tags, and he almost pulled it off, but we realized soon enough and got our money back for one of them. Our first destination after parking was to the venue to see if we could pick up tickets that Doreen and Sandyís co-worker had won through T-Mobile. This was around 4:30. Turns out, they say we canít pick them up until 6:30. We caught a little bit of the soundcheck, and Chad Taylor waved to us.

So we stop at a pizza place for some beverages, and we head back up to the venue to get a good spot in line. (our group was second) Well, (and this is my only beef about the concert) when they said 6:30, they really meant 7 or 7:30. I donít really remember when they finally let non-VIP people start claiming their tickets, but it was rather late. We were standing out in the heat for a good chunk of time.

So they ófinally- start letting people come in to get tickets. We thought there might be a little hitch since I was only 17. We werenít sure if they would let me in. Turns out you only had to be 18 to claim the tickets. I was using Doreenís extra one. Anyhow, Sandy started yelling at one of the security guys trying to get me in, and she turns around, and I was already in. I found that amusing.

Anyhow, we had thought that all the VIP people would have claimed the rail by that time, since they had been letting them in for a good while. Nope, the dumbasses decided to hang by the bar. Which left us (one of the first groups who were not gifted enough to be VIP) the rail. Needless to say, we claimed that rather quickly.

So we hung around for a little while getting more and more excited about liveís appearance. Finally sometime around 8:30 or 8:45, the opening to LID started playing. Crowd goes nuts (including myself of course). Ed came out in a bandana and shades looking all cool, and they performed Like I Do very well. Then followed The Sanctity of Dreams. I happened to enjoy the ìI was 17î line in that one. Go figure. It was after one of the first two songs, right at the end and Ed mouthed out ìbamî as if to say, ìyeah, that kicked ass.î Very cool. Taylorís opening riff in TSUFL was absolutely bad-ass. Then came All Over You, which personally I could live without, but it still rocked nonetheless. Beauty of Gray was up next, and oh my, that song is beautiful. This is the point when Ed busted out his acoustic guitar. Run Away was up next. I donít think the crowd was as into that as I was, but I dig that song very much.

Sweet Release was an excellent addition to the setlist. I think the crowd really enjoyed it even though it didnít seem like a lot knew the words. Life Marches On was a good solid rocker, and I think it got people pumped up for what was about to happen. Lakiniís Juice. Sooo cool. I canít put into words how much the crowd loved this. A blind and deaf man would have been going nuts. Just imagine how a select group of live fans situated on the front railing felt. Run to the water, The dolphinís cry and I Alone were all top notch as usual. The Like A Stone medley was very neat. Heaven was very powerful, the crowd loved it very much. After that main set, the band had huge smiles on their faces and they were thanking the crowd profusely.

Coolest part of the night: I caught Edís eye and gave him a ìsmile and nodî as if to say, ìthe show was abso-friggin-magnificent.î And then, apparently because Iíd been rocking out so hard during the show, he comes over and shakes my hand!!! Ah yes, and an actual handshake too!

During the interlude, the crowd wouldnít shut up as usual. The constant screaming and whatnot only intensified when Ed came out with his acoustic guitar. And then he starts up Turn My Head, which they just started playing again recently. Beautiful. Sandy told me that it brought her to tears. He also sung and played the first verse to Selling the Drama, which lulled the crowd into thinking it was going to be mellow and all, only to be kocked over the head with a hard-rocking second half to the song. Nice touch. And then lightning crashes. Me and Sandy agreed that every single time that the song is played itís just so so good. They didnít disappoint. At the end, after it had all intensified and whatnot, I think I was just smiling and grinning like an idiot and just feeling it.

I then started a campaign for them to play one more (namely: White, Discussion) and it kinda looked like Chad and Ed were debating whether or not to do it. I think I saw Taylor mouth, ìWhite?î I dunno.

Yeah, I was able to get a stick! And Paula and Sandy both got setlists. We all tried to get picks, but no luck there.

Then, we tried in vain to get into the aftershow party. No luck. We did, however, find Adam out on the floor, and got some autographs and a picture. I liked how the lady, trying to get us to leave, told me (after I said Iím just gonna get a quick picture) ìBut you arenít even supposed to have a camera!î Yeah lady, thatís gonna stop me.

We finally left the floor, and we decided to wait around by the side entrance with about 15 other fans. We were there for a quite a while, and after an hour and a half or so, the fruits of our labor finally came. Gracey came out, and I got him to sign my stick and told him how great of a show it was. Gracey was genuinely pleased and flashed me that classic gracey smile while telling me thanks.

Taylor and Ed also came out, but I missed out on that. I was happy with the stick. Then they left in vans, and we were confused as to what to do. But apparently Chad didnít leave (or something) and he lead the group of fans to the club they were all gonna be at. Doreen and Paula (the two sandies had to leave) were able to get in and get their stuff signed, but I of course wasnít allowed in. And I was kicking myself afterwards for not giving them my ticket to sign. Ah well. Like I said, I was happy with the stick. (and the handshake.

After that was the drive home. We stopped at Whataburger for taquitosÖthat hit the spot nicely. We all decided that when the proper tour was announced weíd do a road trip again. Then, at around 3:30, I finally got home and was able to lay down for a long (yeahÖlong, thatís it, right around 4 hours) summerís slumber. I had to get up for school at around 8, but I didnít mind in the least. Wonderful.