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Birds Of Pray Tour

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July 1st, 2003 Setlist & Review

Concert Setlist
1) Like I Do
2) Lighthouse
3) All Over You
4) The Dolphin's Cry
5) The Beauty Of Gray
6) Run Away
7) Voodoo Lady
8) Life Marches On
9) Run To The Water
10) They Stood Up For Love (with "One" medley) [U2]
11) Lakini's Juice
12) I Alone (with "Evolution, Revolution Love" medley) [Tricky]
13) Heaven

14) The Sanctity Of Dreams
15) Selling The Drama
16) Lightning Crashes

17) Overcome (acoustic)
18) White, Discussion
Review by Veerle ("justagirl") of Belgium
I'm back home from a trip to holland to go visit a little concert with Nada Surf, Supergrass, Coldplay and Live. Because of the bad weather we stayed at our hotel as late as possible before going to the field. On our way we could hear some songs by Nada Surf and they sounded quite good; very amusing music...

On the field itself Supergrass came up; and i must say that it wasn't much of my taste; nonetheless we had a great time watching people sliding in the mud; kicking mud to people watching them; running away from the rain and the hail!; searching for shelter under a plastic...Under that plastic we got to know other LIVE fans; and we talked a bit about them, and holland and of course...belgium.

When Coldplay came on we got kicked out from under the plastic (so i guess the owners of that 'shelter place' were coldplay fans). Coldplay sounded very good, but Chris Martin seemed to be a bit confused and forgot a couple of lines; but somewhere between his confusion he got to say 'dank je wel' (thank you); and i must say it sounded very very dutch. For the festival they also made a seperate section, just in front of the stage; so we just asked the security how to get there, but they answered us that there wasn't any way to get there if you didn't have a pink band around you wrist... So we kinda gave up trying but after coldplay we just started to ask to the people who were leaving, whether they would return to that section and if not if they would give their band to us...but nope, everybody was prepared to return for Live... So me and Fab and another dutch Live-fan stood there trying to look a bit pitiful, and héy, it worked; after 10 min that one security guy was wispering something to the man who distributed the pink bands, and i kinda knew what it was that was after my last try: when security dragged out 2 troublemakers i said: hey they won't come back, you can give us those pink thingies. So to make it short, we stood on the 4th row for Live.

The gig just kicked so much ass!! i never saw patrick having sooo much fun on stage; and just of the record: the sun started to shine when live came on, and it hadn't rain during the whole gig!!! (only afterwards when we were going back to our hotel). okay, back to Live: There was a lot of interaction with the crowd this time; and you could see that the guys were really having a great time on stage. Ed had got a lot to say to those mad dutchies, and he was very thankful to the crowd Patrick was really 'over the moon' (don't know if that's a good expression); and when dark settled in and light effects were more to be seen, pat sneaked out to the side of the stage with one spot light following him, and this against a black background; and it just reminded me so much of the pink panter especially when he at least sneaked out again and the spotlight couldn't follow He also played bass together with Shawn; and it was just so great to see that Adam and Chad T also seemed to get along a lot, and it was amusing to see how Ed was running in circles together with Taylor. Another, maybe not really surprise, was that they played the sanctity of dreams!!!!! Great to hear that in concert.

I was very wet, tired but very very satisfied, and by this way i want to thank Fab and Rik a lot 'for taking care of me', and inviting me to come along with them. So hopefully next year: AMERICA hehe and more hopefully this year: BELGIUM?!