when all that's left to do
is reflect on what's been done
this is where sadness breathes
the sadness of everyone
just like when the guys built the
dam at otter creek and all the
water backed up
deep enough to dive
we took the dead man in sheets
to the river flanked by love
deep enough to dive
deep enough to dive
be here now
we took him three and three
in a stretcher made from trees
that had passed in the storm
leave the hearse behind
to leave the curse behind
be here now

and to love: a God
and to fear: a flame
and to burn: a crowd that has a name
and to right or wrong
and to meek or strong
it is known, just scream it from the wall
I've wailed, I've walked, I've read
I've talked, I know, I know,
I've been here before
hey, now we won't be raped
jey, now we won't be scarred like that
it's the sun that burns
it's the wheel that turns
it's the way we sing that makes 'em dream
and to Christ: a cross
and to me: a chair
I will sit and earn the ransom from up here

it's easier not to be wise
and measure these things by your brains
I sank into Eden with you
alone in the church by and by
I'll read to you here, save your eyes
you'll need them, your boat is at sea
your anchor is up, you've been swept away
and the greatest of teachers won't hesitate
to leave you there by yourself, chained to fate
I alone love you
I alone tempt you
I alone love you
fear is not the end of this!
it's easier not to be great
and measure these things by your eyes
we long to be here by his resolve
alone in the church by and by
to cradle the baby in space
and leave you there by yourself, chained to fate
oh, now, we took it back too far,
only love can save us now, all these riddles that you burn
all come runnin' back to you, all these rhythms that you hide
only love can save us now, all these riddles that you burn
yeah, yeah, yeah

I liked the way my hand looked on your head
in the presence of my Knuckles
but the beauty of this vision alone
just like yesterday's sunset
has been perverted by the sentimental
and mistaken for love
the felix of your truth will always break it
and the Iris of your eye will always shake it
and the armies, the armies I have created
will always hate it
will always bait you on
I liked the way my hand looked on your head
in the presence of my struggle
but the beauty of this vision alone
I can't shake from my tree just yet
it keeps invading all my private moments
listen to me now

lightning crashes, a new mother cries
her placenta falls to the floor
the angel opens her eyes
the confusion sets in
before the doctor can even close the door
lightning crashes, an old mother dies
her intentions fall to the floor
the angel closes her eyes
the confusion that was hers
belongs now, to the baby down the hall
oh now feel it comin' back again
like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
forces pullin' from the center of the Earth again
I can feel it
lightning crashes, a new mother cries
this moment she's been waiting for
the angel opens her eyes
pale blue colored iris, presents the circle
and puts the glory out to hide, hide

this is not helping me at all
what you are doing here
in the name of God and Love
it's the distribution of fear
pyramids, healing wines, analysts with fame
I haven't got your degree
and I forgot your name
pick me up and put me on the ground
set me up and spin me all around
no, you are not the one I wish to see
this is not helping me at all
where did we get this plan?
that you could give to me
what I might already have
pyramids, healing wines, a musician's fame
I volunteered you my eyes
I place of facing me
oh Hitler, in a robe of truth
my emptiness has built your altar
and I've worshipped myself in you forever
until now!

our love is like water
pinned down and abused
for being strange
our love is no other
than me alone
for me all day
our love is like water
pinned down and abused
all over you, all over me
the sun, the fields, the sky
I've often tried to hold the sea
the sun, the fields, the tide
pay me now, lay me down

the weavers live up the street from me
the crackheads, they live down the street
from me
the tall grass makes it hard to see
beyond my property
hey man, this is criminal,
this hard line symmetry of people and pets
we don't bother anyone
we keep to ourselves
the mailman visits each of us in turn
we don't bother anyone
we keep to ourselves
the mailman visits each of us in time
gotta live, gotta live, gotta live
in shit towne
gotta live, gotta live, gotta live
in our town

in the moment I was losing my head
readin' too much and losin' my head
and I was
reachin' forward, I was already there
readin' too much and losin' my head
this information caused a cut in the line
now I'm remembering God and readin'
too much it's so nice
the print is smaller than the ants in the grass
I'll have to put it away now
in the morning there are things to be read
words to be said and food to be fed, but I
won't be there, I'll be clutchin' on a
megaphone pointed at my head, would you be
there, would you kindly, read this word for
word, so loud and clear, I can't remember
it all, it needs to be clear, I tell you, if
the feeling drops out of your voice, would you
kindly pick it up
this is how, I'll go out tonight
dressed in blue, by the book tonight
this is how, I'll go out tonight
but I don't need a book
we're talkin' anchors, talkin' ships, we're
talkin' seas, we're talkin' everything you need
you should be workin' now, not only askin'
how and the whereabouts of where you'll
be, I don't suspect you will be thinking
when the brain is dead and the mind
has taken over, this is a skill, this
is not a game, where have you been,
are you with us? can you hear us? got
the megaphone pointed at you

I wanna feel
I wanna try
I wanna rock in the city tonight
I wanna deal
don't wanna die
I wanna bring my Captain Hook into the light
people I've seen my day
ranting and raving this beauty away
we are by and large the same
but words are too feeble, they cannot contain
he was a "rock and roll messiah"
she was known for her child care
the truth is gonna give up the world
if you can give up the stage
if I can give up the stage
if we can give up the stage
come to this, I can't come to you
don't do this, wake me up tonight
come to this, I can't come to you
don't do this, wake me up tonight

come on baby leave some change behind
she was a bitch, but I don't care
she brought our food out on time
and wore a funky barrette in her hair
come on baby leave some change behind
she was a bitch but good enough
to leave some change, everybody's good
enough for some change
the girl's got family,
she needs cash to buy aspirin for
her pain, everybody's good enough
for some change
we all get the flu, we all get aids
we've got to stick together
after all, everybody's good enough
for some change

warm Bodies, I sense
are not machines that can only make money
past, perfect, tense
words for a feeling and all I've discovered
I'll be along son
with medicine supposed to, designed to
make you high
I'll be along son
with words for a feeling and all I've discovered
old, bad eyes
old, bad eyes
old, bad eyes
on lonliness comes
go see the foreman, go see the profiteer
on lonliness drives
we're takin' out time movin' shit for
this holy slime
old, bad eyes
old, bad eyes
old, bad eyes, almighty fear
the shepherd won't leave me alone
he's in my face and I
the shepherd of my days
and I want you here by my heart
and my head, I can't start till I'm dead
Here I am locking horns with a stallion,
failing to hold my head up,
I go back again,
pillar of davidson,
feeling to hard to go down,
cheaper than all the souls he will walk upon,
deeper and deeper in love,
so I hold my head up,
cheaper then all the souls he will walk upon,
pillar of davidson,
feeling to hard to go down

I talk of freedom
you talk of the flag
I talk of revolution
you'd much rather brag
and as the decibels of this disenchanting
discourse, continue to dampen the day
the coin flips again, and again, and again,
and again as our sanity walks away
all this discussion
though politically correct
is dead beyond destructiont
though it leaves me quite erect
and as the final sunset rolls behind the Earth
and the clock is finally dead
I'll look at you, you'll look at me
and we'll cry a lot
but this will be what we said
this will be what we said
look where all this talking got us, baby

all the things that they make you say
and all the love that you hide away
I'll pick you up and it'll be alright
I'll pick you up and it'll be tonight
she rode a horse into my head
she rode a horse into my head
she won't discipline the children
and now they're running wild on the beach
and I don't care
no, I don't care
no, I don't care, yeah-hey-hey
it's the middle of the night, and we're here
playing dominoes and drinking beer
I tried to think of something deep to say
but my well is dippin' dry today
hey, hey, hey, hey
